Stacked Framing
Our homes are built with a framing technique rarely utilized in the region.
The current industry standard wall consisting of 2x4 frame at 16" center is being replaced by a 2x6 frame at 24" centers. It is more cost efficient and faster to build and adds a bonus of saving energy.
The system reduces material waste due to the fact the home is designed on a 2' grid. This reduction is achieved because wall panels and sub-floor are 4' wide and floor joists and lumber are sold at 2' increments. This saves landfill space and reduces dumpster fees. The average material savings per house compared to traditional framing is 5 to 10 percent.
The framing elements are farther apart allowing for easier installation of services. Everything fits easier, which minimizes the holes drilled by the plumber, HVAC installer and electricians. Everything lines up so the load paths are direct. This leads to fewer, but stronger, connections. The work areas for mechanicals are aligned, which makes it easier to install.
Stacked framing saves energy by reducing the number of wall studs. Framing studs are a heat loss and the 24" spacing increases the amount of insulation by 15 percent. This combined with the 2x6 wall and R23 insulation creates a very energy efficient home.
Stacked framing benefits the new home buyer due to the energy savings and cost of construction savings.